Evelyn Rachael Gould, PhD
Clinical Psychology
Telehealth appointments are available.
Dr. Evelyn Gould (Evie) is a Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Behavior Analyst at USC’s Counseling and Mental Health (CMH) where she provides services to USC students. Originally from Belfast, N. Ireland, Evie completed her academic and clinical training in Ireland, U.K. and the U.S.A.
Dr. Gould has specialized training in contextual-behavioral and trauma-informed treatment approaches. Her professional interests include anxiety, Autism, OCD (and related disorders), identity development, relationship difficulties, psychological flexibility and resilience, LGBTQIA+ mental health, parenting and parent mental health.
Dr. Gould is passionate about providing compassionate, affirmative, and culturally responsive care, and is actively committed to practices of cultural humility and antiracism in her personal and professional life. She provides gender-affirming therapy services and supports students by writing letters to help advocate for gender affirming procedures and surgery.
Dr. Gould’s pronouns are she, her, they, them
USC Students can make an appointment through MySHR (https://usc.edu/myshr); or call 213-740-9355 (WELL).
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