Fumito Ito, MD, PhD
Breast Cancer, Breast Surgical Oncology, Melanoma Surgery
Accepting New Patients
Telehealth appointments are available.
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
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Dr. Ito received his MD and a PhD in tumor immunology from the Shiga University of Medical Science, where he also completed his first surgical training. After spending two and a half years studying immunotherapy in a lab setting at the University of Michigan, he completed a second surgical residency at the University of Wisconsin and a fellowship in surgical oncology at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, NY.
After spending four years as a surgeon-scientist at the University of Michigan, Dr. Ito returned to Roswell Park to continue his surgical practice and expand his research in tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy. Dr. Ito joined Keck Medicine of USC in 2021 as an Associate Professor of Surgery, and serves as Co-Leader of the USC Norris Translational and Clinical Sciences (TACS) Research Program.
Dr. Ito is fascinated by the potential of immunotherapy, and uses his combined expertise in immunology and surgery to offer a range of options and design a unique plan of care for each patient.
Breast surgical oncology
Soft tissue surgery
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