John C. Chen, MD
Cardiac Surgery
Telehealth appointments are available.
Dr. Chen is a cardiothoracic surgeon with a focus on surgical treatment of adult heart disease, including valve disease, aneurysmal disease, coronary revascularization, heart failure, temporary and durable left ventricular assist devices, and arrythmia surgery, including minimally invasive techniques.
Dr. Chen served for 20 years as the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery for Kaiser Permanente Hawaii in Honolulu before coming to USC. He is proud to be working on a team that provides every aspect of cardiac care from prevention to transplantation and looks forward to bringing the most advanced therapies to our community.
Dr. Chen is certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American board of Thoracic Surgery.
Cardiac Surgery
Aortic Surgery
Transcatheter Valve Therapy
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Heart Failure
Temporary/Durable Ventricular Assist Devices
Coronary Revascularization
Arrhythmia Surgery
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