Meet Our Team

Meet Eric Chang, MD

Originally published March 5, 2021

Last updated April 29, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Chang is a radiation oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in tumors of the central nervous system.

Here’s what you won’t find on his resume.

His desire to be in on the latest advancements helped decide his career path.

“To be at the forefront of medicine, I chose to practice at an academic medical center, where I can be involved in developing and refining the most advanced treatments.”

Family time is quality time.

“When I’m not working, you will most likely find me spending time with my three boys, painting the house or playing tennis.”

Traveling to new shores is one of his unfulfilled dreams.

“Someday, I would love to visit the Galapagos Islands, Thailand and Vietnam.”

One piece of advice has served to inspire him.

“Thomas Edison once said, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.’ This is the best advice I’ve received.”

He is an advocate for listening to and learning from others.

“As opportunities come to you, remember to learn from those who came before, as well as those who follow. Everyone has something to offer, along the way.”

He believes the use of imaging has transformed radiation therapy.

“Advanced imaging has helped improve radiation therapy in recent years. We now utilize CT, PET, MRI and perfusion imaging to help target the tumor and spare as much of the normal tissue in the area as possible.”

He credits new advancements with improving how smaller tumors are treated.

“Influential advancements, such as intensity modulated radiation therapy, stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy, allow high-dose pinpoint radiation to be given to small tumors throughout the body.”

He hopes to be able to provide real-time updates to his patients one day.

“I would like to see advancements made in real-time response prediction, which is the ability to tell a patient in real time how their cancer or tumor is responding to the treatment on a day-to-day basis.”

His experience has taught him that time is a precious gift.

“The most rewarding part of my job is the precious amount of time I get to spend with patients during a very difficult juncture of their life’s journey.”

He is working on developing new radiation therapy treatment options.

“I am currently involved in bringing several clinical trials to Keck Medicine of USC on treatment of cancer that has spread to the brain and has been surgically removed. Through these trials, we seek to understand how best to give radiation — in one or several doses, or during the surgery.”

View Dr. Chang’s full biography and schedule an appointment.
