
Our logo is our strongest visual element. In order for it to remain a prominent visual representation of our brand, consistency is important. These logotypes have been created for each of Keck Medicine of USC’s units as part of the university identity system. Only University Communications and Health System Marketing Communications have the authority to create these logotypes.

The logotypes below are available for download to USC faculty and staff (including student staff) with a usc.edu email account. You will be prompted to sign in with your University NET ID.

Logo Formats

Each logo set contains an official wordmark in two or three formats: single line, 2-line or 3-line. Downloads also include instructions on which format to use, as well as approved color combinations.

Keck Medicine of USC Official Logotype

The Keck Medicine of USC logotype is the official logotype for the health system and is considered its master brand.

Program and Service Line Logos

Programs and service lines without naming gifts are given a logo lock up, consisting of the official wordmark of the governing entity with the program or service line name typeset below in our official sans serif font, National bold. These are created by the Health Sciences Communications and Marketing design team. To request a lock-up, please complete a project request form by following this link.

Clear Space

The legibility and distinction of the Keck Medicine of USC logotype is very important. To ensure that the logotype is highly visible, always separate it from its surroundings. This area of isolation or minimum required clear space surrounding all logotypes should be half the logotype’s height on all sides as shown below — also referred to as “K” height. 
Do not allow any other graphic elements to penetrate this area of isolation.

Keck Medicine of USC Approved Entity Logos

The logotypes below have been created for these Keck Medicine of USC hospitals and service lines in keeping with the university’s identity system. Approved logotypes are created by University Communications when a naming gift agreement is signed.

Keck Medical Center of USC

This logo represents all of the entities and buildings on health sciences campus.


USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

Use this logo in communications specifically for Norris and its corresponding entities.


USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

Use this logo in communications specifically for USC Verdugo Hills Hospital.


USC Arcadia Hospital

Use this logo in communications specifically for USC Arcadia Hospital.


Keck Hospital of USC

Download by special request only


USC Norris Cancer Hospital

Download by special request only


USC Care Medical Group

This logotype represents all of Keck Medicine of USC’s ambulatory clinics.



See below for frequently asked questions about our logos.

No, programs and services are not approved to design their own logos. However, they can request logo lockups that pair their program or service name with the appropriate Keck Medicine logo.

You can request a logo lock up by using the Marketing Request Form.

The health system, hospitals and USC Care Medical Group are the major entities of Keck Medicine, and have their own logos. Certain programs and service lines, such as USC Roski Eye Institute and USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, have their own logos thanks to receiving a donor naming gift at a significant level. See a member of the Keck Medicine of USC Advancement team with any questions.

Fact Sheets

Our resources include a library of fact sheets for many of our entities and service lines which are upated on a regular basis by our health system marketing communications department. System and hospital fact sheets in high resolution, printable PDF format are available below.

To request a fact sheet for your service line, please fill out our online request form.

Download Fact Sheets: Download All (zip)




Email identity@med.usc.edu to request a specific fact sheet.

Marketing fact sheets are designed to attract new patients and physician referrals, rather than to educate current patients.

Presentation Templates

Below are examples of the approved PowerPoint presentation template design for Keck Medicine of USC and its affiliates. Each template is anchored by a cardinal branding bar, containing the approved official wordmark.  These powerpoint templates are for e-presentation purposes only. If you intend to hand out a hard copy of your presentation, please keep ink supply and use in mind by printing the slide show in grayscale, not color.  To download a template, click below.

Which Format Do I Need?

A standard format has a 4:3 aspect ratio. If you’re showing a PowerPoint presentation on an older projector, iPad, or tablet, you’ll need a Standard template. For all other projection types, including laptops, TV monitors, or modern projectors, you’ll need a wide screen 16:9 template.

Standard Format

Keck Medicine of USC
Keck Medical Center of USC
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
USC Arcadia Hospital
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital

Wide Screen Format

Keck Medicine of USC
Keck Medical Center of USC
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
USC Arcadia Hospital
USC Verdugo Hills Hospital


The approved Keck Medicine of USC stationery system is aligned with the university’s official stationery and mirrors the university’s design with the inclusion of the shield as a graphic element while featuring our health system logotypes. The stationery system consists of approved designs for letterhead, envelopes and business cards which reinforce the brand and identity of the health enterprise.

Printed stationery and business cards may only be ordered from our official vendor and through a person in your unit delegated to process these types of orders. If you have any questions about the order process, please contact USC Procurement and Strategic Sourcing at purchasing@usc.edu.

Electronic Letterhead
Electronic letterhead in Word format is available for certain entitles of the health enterprise. Please email identity@med.usc.edu to request.

Email Signature

How to create a custom email signature for Microsoft Outlook
Below is an example of the approved email signatures for Keck Medicine of USC and its entities.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click on Outlook > Settings.
  3. When Outlook Preferences opens, click on Signatures on the Email section.
  4. On the Signatures window, click the (+) symbol and a new window will appear.
  5. Give your signature a memorable name and copy and paste the signature below into the Signature field in Outlook and close to save your signature.
  6. In the Signature window, under Choose Default Signature, choose your newly created signature from the dropdown menu for both new messages and replies forward.

Please note, when using Outlook in the browser: To add the signature, you’ll click the cog for Settings and find the settings for adding a signature in the Compose and Reply section.


Keck Medicine of USC
Address line 1
City, State, Zip
Tel: (323) XXX-XXXX

Keck Medicine of USC


Click on the image below to download the most recent version of the health sciences campus map. Maps are available for individual ambulatory locations upon request by emailing identity@med.usc.edu.

Virtual Backgrounds

To brighten up your virtual backgrounds, we offer a variety of designs to use with either Teams or Zoom. Click on your preferred design below to download.