
Meet Anthony W. Kim, MD

Dr. Kim is a thoracic surgeon at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in thoracic oncology, with a focus on…

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

Winter is coming — and so is the painful infection known as strep throat. Here are some recommendations to keep…

Your Open Enrollment Checklist

Search for a Keck Medicine of USC provider As the nationwide open enrollment period approaches, choosing the right health insurance…

Do You Need a Total Shoulder Replacement?

The pain in your shoulder is constant, but therapy and other treatment options offer no relief. Is it time to…

This Is What Your Excessive or Foul-Smelling Gas Could Mean

If there is one subject few people discuss, passing gas just might be it. Don’t let your embarrassment keep you…

What Should You Do When You Find a New Mole?

Keeping track of your newfound mole should be a priority. Moles are totally normal. Most adults have between 10 and…

Meet William M. Lee, MD

Dr. Lee is a vascular surgeon at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in endovascular and open surgical treatments for…

4 Facial Treatments for Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Dark Spots

The fountain of youth may not exist, but facial treatments can lend a hand in keeping your skin refreshed. While…

Can Vitamin D Help Relieve Your Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Upping your vitamin D intake has been shown to help with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D helps the body…

Is Cracking Your Neck, Back or Knuckles Good for You?

While it’s probably not going to lead to harm, cracking your knuckles doesn’t necessarily have any benefits, either. We all…

Are You Eating Too Much Fish?

Eating fish, as part of a balanced diet, offers several nutritional benefits. But, how do the mercury levels in fish…

Is Your Mole Cancerous?

Sometimes a mole is a mole. Other times, it’s cancerous. How can you tell the difference? Moles are common, even…