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Hospital Pricing Information

Hospital Pricing Information In an effort to encourage greater price transparency and to empower consumers, the Centers for Medicare &…

What Are the Signs You’re Too Sick to Go to Work or School?

Should you power it out and head to work or school or stay under the covers all day? Here are…

What Are the Signs of High Blood Pressure?

Here’s what you need to know about what to look for, along with expert tips on monitoring your blood pressure…

What Do I Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Chances are you’ve heard of carpal tunnel syndrome, a common disorder that affects almost 2 million people in the United…

The Best — and Worst — Sleep Positions for Back Pain

Do you have neck or back pain? Your sleep style may be contributing. If you’ve ever woken up with a…

Are Your Daily Headaches a Sign of Something More Serious?

Don’t fret just yet. The pounding pain in your head may be annoying, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate a bigger…

10 Signs Your Back Pain Could Be a Kidney Stone

One of the symptoms of a kidney stone is back pain. But, how can you tell if it’s a kidney…

What Is Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy?

You may have heard about the healing properties of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, therapy. Here’s what science currently says about…

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

It may come as a surprise to many that among all of the blinding conditions that exist, cataracts are the…

Common Youth Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

As more young people get involved in sports, more end up in the emergency room with a sports-related injury. Here’s…

5 Types of DIY Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Here’s how to stay safe when doing your own renovations and repair projects. You’re excited to get to work on…

What You Need to Know About Nosebleeds

If you’ve been tilting your head back to stop a nosebleed, you’ve been doing it wrong. Read on to learn…