
10 Things to Know About Sinusitis

The pain and pressure of a sinus infection is nothing to sneeze at. Here’s how to know if you have…

4 Tips to Help You Add Meal Planning Into Your Cooking Routine

Michelle Smith, RD, CSOWM, and Rachel Keller, MS, RD, registered dietitians for the bariatric surgery program at Keck Medicine of…

Cochlear Implants Key for Early Intervention

The devices boost skill development for infants with hearing loss and severe developmental delays more than hearing aids, new research…

3D Mammogram Prompts Timely Intervention

The technology found a precancerous lesion in Christine Ysabal. After a surgery to remove it, she has become an advocate…

8 Specialties Earn U.S. News Rankings

Keck Medical Center of USC has once again been recognized as one of the nation's best hospitals. The medical center,…

Women Share Their Paths to Chiefs of Staff

The prestigious role is a demanding multi-year position. Get to know the leaders at Keck Medicine of USC hospitals. The…

Welcoming USC Arcadia Hospital

Methodist Hospital of Southern California in Arcadia is now part of Keck Medicine of USC and is now known as…

New Hope for Long-Term Stroke Recovery

Rosa Maria Villalpando is the world’s first stroke patient to receive vagus nerve stimulation outside of a clinical trial. The…

LVAD Sustains Mother Awaiting New Heart

A mechanical device is keeping Zuleyma Santos alive as she awaits a transplant. She’s also spreading the word about heart…

Life 20 Years After a Living-Donor Liver Transplant

By donating a part of her liver, one woman gave someone else the gift of better health. Both transplant participants…

4 Weight-loss Surgery Myths, Debunked by a Bariatric Surgeon

Get the facts on bariatric surgery from our experts. Bariatric surgery can be a lifesaving solution for people who are…

Breast Cancer Symptoms: What Should You Know?

Learn about the symptoms of breast cancer and what to look for to protect yourself against this disease. Breast cancer…