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Meet the Staff: Paul Kangethe, Registered Nurse

Paul Kangethe, MSN, RN, did not initially set out to work in a hospital. He explains what motivated his career…

TAVR Procedure Offers Promise for Heart Patients

Specialists at Keck Medicine's USC Cardiac and Vascular Institute are revolutionizing treatment for aortic valve disease in a series of…

Spine Surgery Helps Busy Dad Bounce Back

Chris Hill is back to playing with his young daughters after Raymond Hah, MD, a spine surgeon at Keck Medicine…

Meet Jason Ye, MD

Dr. Ye is a radiation oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in a wide array of advanced radiation…

Stewardship of the 340B Drug Pricing Program

Stewardship of the 340B Drug Pricing Program 340B: Our Numbers[1] $64.1 million: Amount of savings realized from the 340B program in…

Panic Attack vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference

Not all anxiety is the same. This checklist can help you determine what’s happening, before you talk to your doctor.…

A Racing Pulse: How Fast Is Too Fast?

If your heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to burst, you could have a serious condition…

Should I Go Gluten-Free?

Going gluten-free may seem like a trendy diet option, but for some people, it’s a medical necessity. Chances are your…

Is It the Stomach Flu or Food Poisoning?

Is your stomach pain from food poisoning or the stomach flu? It can be hard to tell, since both conditions…

7 Everyday Things That Can Trigger Hearing Loss

It’s not just lawn mowers and leaf blowers that can impact your hearing. Find out about ordinary sounds that are…

5 Reasons Why You Might Have the Chills

Are chills serious? Shivering and goose bumps can accompany a wide range of conditions, from a too-cold environment to cancer.…

Heart Disease Is the Biggest Threat to Women's Health. Many Don’t Even Know

Less than half of American women know the biggest threat to their health is heart disease. Learn more about it…